First lap around the track


I have been threatening to set up a blog for a good while, and here is my first attempt.  I would probably ask myself why blog at all? Why does a baby boomer fiftyish preacher lady need to blog in the first place? To that dubious question I answer, because perhaps, in my ramblings I will be able to reach someone that reads a post.

At my age it would seem that sticking to the norm or just not doing anything new would be the safe thing to do. Since when do I ever stick to  what is safe? For me to do that would ultimately go against everything that is in my nature.  I want to do something new and a little different, maybe even a little daring.

After all didn’t Christ admonish us to go out into all the world in order that we may make disciples and therefore transform the world?  Blogging, text,instant messaging are all part of this new world that is wide open to input and quite frankly I can’t think of any input more valuable than telling people that God is on their side, that He loves them, and that He wants to touch their lives.

So, I launch out into this new day, into this new endeavor with hope filled and reserved excitement about an opportunity to share with the cyber world about an amazing love, and the reason for my passion.

Hey, if God can take an addicted, broken woman, turn her mess around into a message like He did for me, then…well…the sky is the limit…SO…first lap around the track. I will be back tomorrow or the next day to add to my ramblings with the hope that someone may find them a blessing and be drawn into a relationship with Christ.


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6 responses to “First lap around the track

  1. welcome to the methoblogging world my friend. I’ve been at it since ’05, although I’ve allowed the field to be fallow for most of the past year or so. May God bless others as you share what is in your heart and on your mind.


  2. Deborah Born

    Looking forward to much more
    Shalom, my friend

  3. Butterfly effect? Tell us more, Kathy…

    • Everything you do matters! From the greatest to the smallest of attitudes, actions, and behaviors have a ripple effect like the outbound circles of God’s GRACE toward us. When we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in small deeds of kindness, encouragement and empowering of other people we create an environment where people can find lasting, abundant, fulfilling and rich life in Christ Jesus.

      • Hey PPreach! That is beautiful! But how is that like a butterfly? (I feel so dense…)

      • Andy Andrews writes: “In 1963 Edward Lorenz presented a hypothesis to the New York Academy of Science. His theory stated simply was that: A butterfly could flap its wings and set molecules in motion, which would move other molecules of air—eventually capable of starting a hurricane on the other side of the planet. Lorenz and his ideas were literally laughed out of the conference. What he had proposed was ridiculous. It was preposterous, but it was fascinating…So imagine the scientific community’s shock and surprise when, more than thirty years after the possibility was introduced physics professors working from colleges came to the conclusion that the butterfly effect was authentic, accurate and viable. Soon after it was accorded status of “law”…this principle has proven to be a force encompassing more than mere butterfly wings. Science has shown the butter fly effect to engage with the first movement of any form of matter—including people. The conclusion of Andrew’s book is: Every single thing you do matters. You have been created as one of a kind. You have been created to make a difference. You have the power within you to change the world (Andrews 2009). If our attitudes, actions and behaviors can change the world then everything we do matters…

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