Monthly Archives: September 2012

Week in Review

So, how’d that week end up? Did you find an adventure, grab the possibilities, seize the great potential? It’s Saturday and the day still has hours of Grace filled hope just waiting for all of us to take the risk, and live radically!!

My first week of blogging has not rocked the world so far as I can tell, but it has done me a world of good to write the words in faith, hoping that one life might be impacted by its words.  Tomorrow I have the distinct and wonderful privilege of preaching God’s Word about THE WORD, whose name is Jesus, and the prayer of my heart is that my words about God’s Word will assist someone to take a step toward the rich fulfilling life of faith, radical, and lived largely, abundantly…the desire and plan of God for us all.

Next week’s blog will contain some stories from my own life’s journey, and how God’s GRACE has been nothing short of amazing. The sky is the limit…Potential yet untapped…so what is keeping you from the greatness to which you are called?! Go out and live today fully aware that the LOVE of God is empowering you through Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit!!

Live Largely!! Love Radically!!! the day is still young…so get up and go do something in faith, for someone else…it will do your heart and soul GOOD!!!


Pastor K.

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Ah, Monday…

Ah, Monday….

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Hump Day, what’s that all about?

Hump Day, what’s that all about?.

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Hump Day, what’s that all about?

Today is Wednesday and we are two days closer to Friday than when I wrote my post on Monday morning. So, how is the week going? Have you found ways to practice what your pastor preached on Sunday? Have you found this week filled with fresh opportunities?

No earth shaking events, huh? Well do not despair, there is still time, the week is not gone yet. It seems that we often look for some amazing event to land in front of us or some opportunity to materialize that looks amazing when in reality the greatest opportunities are in the ordinary spaces of everyday life.

I once read a story about a man who went looking for a way to be a blessing to someone, and he decided to go to the local market. Now that is a real opportunity waiting to happen, right? Well, this man created an event: He went to the floral department and purchased a bouquet of flowers, he went and stood outside the door, and he waited. He waited for the Holy Spirit to nudge him and then he gave the bouquet of flowers to someone with a simple message that God loves you and cares for you and a prayer for a blessed day. His simple gesture was a wonderful expression of incarnational love to a total stranger.

You see, sometimes the simple elegance of an ordinary gesture can be the turning moment in the life of the recipient. So, don’t wait for the extraordinary to appear, go and create the extraordinary yourself. The week still has several days left and then Sunday comes and we have the wonderful privilege of beginning a week all over again. Blessings on your opportunities…Live Largely…Love Radically!



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Ah, Monday…

Good morning, Monday!

Some people dislike Monday. I guess it’s that stretch past Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday in order to get to Friday that bothers them. Somehow over the past few years I have come to appreciate Monday for some unique characteristics, which no other day of the week can lay claim to.

One thing is that Monday lands me squarely in a position to practice what I have preached on Sunday.  In fact, on Sunday I get to preach a message of hope, encouragement, and empowerment three times. Yesterday I encouraged my small congregations to remember that everything we do matters, using a wonderful little book by Andy Andrews entitled The Butterfly Effect (2009, Thomas Nelson Publishers).  So, on this Monday I now have the opportunity to practice what Andrews writes about when he says: “Every single thing you do matters. You have been created as one of a kind. You have been created in order to make a difference. You have within you the power to change the world” (Andrews, 2009).   If I believe what I preach then on this Monday I now have the distinct privilege of looking for ways to live that out, with freshness and wonderful newness in this brand new week, which brings me to my next reason for loving Monday.

Every Monday can be like a mini-New Years Day…Each and every week we have the wonderful gift of life that has, hopefully, been renewed, and refreshed by worship on Sunday in our local church.  When we say what Psalm 118: 24 says: This is the day which the Lord has brought about; we will rejoice and be glad in it, that works for Monday also.  A new week, with a refreshed soul, an invigorated spirit, and an empowered life offers each of us the opportunity to go out and be the unique people Andy Andrews writes about.

Have you ever given much thought to the fact that you are uniquely crafted by God? You are His handiwork? I can remember days when I thought that God had given up on me. Other people had and I could see them, and knew what they thought, what they were saying, and how they were forecasting a pitiful life for me.  I was feeling hopeless, and as an addict it seemed impossible that any good could ever, ever come to me. Yet, here I am on this bright, beautiful, cool, late summer morning keying words to a blog I never really thought I would write.  My experience has given me a unique witness to the power and GRACE of a Living God who Loves in a much greater capacity than I will ever be able to comprehend.

So, on this Monday I think I will seize this day like the wonderful gift it is, and I will go and find a way to be a blessing to someone else, because everything I do matters, and I like the idea of changing the world.  In the United Methodist Church we love to say, Go out and make disciples for the transformation of the World, and this is our mission.

What about you? Are you hating Monday? Maybe a different perspective will help with that. If you were in church yesterday what did you hear that you can apply today? What did your pastor say that empowers you to live the Love of God in relationship with neighbors, co-workers, friends and family? This is a new week! Have you embraced its limitless possibilities empowered by God? Are you looking for ways to rejoice in this day and everyday? Most importantly, if you have stumbled across these ramblings of the fifty+ passionate preacher lady have you met the one who so radically altered my existence that I can now claim these truths? If you have not the universal invitation to His GRACE, mercy and forgiveness are waiting for you! He loves you without condition, or qualifiers. You don’t have to do anything to earn His love it comes from the heart of the Father through the cross of Jesus Christ just for you so that you may have the present possession of abundant and eternal life.

Go live Largely, and Love Radically!! It’s Monday! Praise God

Pastor K.

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First lap around the track


I have been threatening to set up a blog for a good while, and here is my first attempt.  I would probably ask myself why blog at all? Why does a baby boomer fiftyish preacher lady need to blog in the first place? To that dubious question I answer, because perhaps, in my ramblings I will be able to reach someone that reads a post.

At my age it would seem that sticking to the norm or just not doing anything new would be the safe thing to do. Since when do I ever stick to  what is safe? For me to do that would ultimately go against everything that is in my nature.  I want to do something new and a little different, maybe even a little daring.

After all didn’t Christ admonish us to go out into all the world in order that we may make disciples and therefore transform the world?  Blogging, text,instant messaging are all part of this new world that is wide open to input and quite frankly I can’t think of any input more valuable than telling people that God is on their side, that He loves them, and that He wants to touch their lives.

So, I launch out into this new day, into this new endeavor with hope filled and reserved excitement about an opportunity to share with the cyber world about an amazing love, and the reason for my passion.

Hey, if God can take an addicted, broken woman, turn her mess around into a message like He did for me, then…well…the sky is the limit…SO…first lap around the track. I will be back tomorrow or the next day to add to my ramblings with the hope that someone may find them a blessing and be drawn into a relationship with Christ.


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